Thursday, March 3, 2022


 Hello Happy Fly Chuckers.

Well, we closed down another restaurant! We had our last meeting at the Edina Perkins this last Saturday. We seem to have an awful time with finding a place to meet and having it last. I guess in 22 years we can't expect to be in the same spot. There were seven of us for breakfast and just a handful back to the shop for some tying. (Here ore some pictures from out last Breakfast. In case you missed it "Breakin g the News on Kare 11 did a story on the closing and our favorite waitress Kris was the star, but a very sad day for her. 44 years she was there).

 So ---- We need to find a new place. Lets try the Perkins off Louisiana and 394. It is still close to work.
I have to do some personal work at the shop on Saturday. So lets meet for breakfast at the Perkins and then if you want you can come to the shop and tie (I will be working on a machine flinging chips lol).

Please let me know if you are interested and planning on coming to Perkins

7:30 - 8:45
Perkins (394 and Louisiana Ave S)
6920 W Wayzata Blvd, Golden Valley, MN 55426