Sunday, January 11, 2015

Foam CuttersSTP Frog

Hello Fellow Fly Chuckers,
Here is a picture of the River Road Creations Foam Cutters that I have.
STP Frog  and Universal Bug Body

Beaver Tail  and Beetle Body

Chernobyl Ant (Tapered)

Dragon/Damsel and Tomsu'r Supreme Hopper (8)
(Hopper includes, Body, Wing, Leg, and Pronotum) 

Hooper Leg, Stonefly Wings, Caddis Wing

Universal Bug Wing
Makes wing half. Fold material in half and cut to get full wing.

Please let me know by Thursday each week (or Tuesday for Laughing Trout) if you want me to stamp out some bodies for you. Just let me know Stamp, Size, and Color, If you want you can bring in your own foam for me to cut. It's easier and quicker for me to use my in-house foam inventory (I stock almost every color mainly in 2MM thick, I do have some 3MM and 6MM also in limited colors). 
I will have to bring some samples of wing material to the club meeting. I basically have and use the thin packaging foam. (always on the look out for interesting material to cut for wings). River Road Creations have some special foams and colors for wings that you can get from them or sometimes, your favorite supplier. I may be wrong but I don't think any local shops carry their wing material.
Don't feel like you are imposing. I like to cut the foam and it is a lot easier to do it here than haul the press to the meeting. I wouldn't offer if I didn't want to do it. You can see my foam cutting station and foam stock in an earlier post on this blog.
Foam is our friend!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Scott,

    Could you please retake all of those photos with either a zippo lighter or a .223 round so we can have a size reference.


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