Hello Happy Fly Chuckers!
Welcome Max, to the Fly Chuckers!
Introducing the newest member of the fly tying community. This is Max. I met him at the Fly Anglers Open Tie / Pizza Party night. He was tying some flies for his upcoming ice fishing weekend. As I watch him tie, I was very impressed with his general tying ability. I went over, introduced myself. I asked him about what he was tying and what he liked to fish for. Panfish, always peaks my interest LOL. So I brought my stuff over and taught him how to tie a Sunny Chumb. He did great. I gave him a bag of materials to be able to go home and tie more. He tied some up in Graces' favorite color, Chartreuse. Below is a picture of his success!. It's a great feeling catching a fish on a fly you tied yourself!
Congratulations Max!