Thursday, January 9, 2025

A Great Day on the Ice!

 Hello Happy Fly Chuckers!

Welcome Max, to the Fly Chuckers!

Introducing the newest member of the fly tying community. This is Max. I met him at the Fly Anglers Open Tie / Pizza Party night. He was tying some flies for his upcoming ice fishing weekend. As I watch him tie, I was very impressed with his general tying ability. I went over, introduced myself. I asked him about what he was tying and what he liked to fish for. Panfish, always peaks my interest LOL. So I brought my stuff over and taught him how to tie a Sunny Chumb. He did great. I gave him a bag of materials to be able to go home and tie more. He tied some up in Graces' favorite color, Chartreuse. Below is a picture of his success!. It's a great feeling catching a fish on a fly you tied yourself! 



Congratulations Max!


  1. Thank you so much for your kindness with Max. He really enjoyed learning the new fly & was so proud when he caught a fish on it! Hope to see you again!

  2. Phil Eldred, charter memberJanuary 15, 2025 at 10:29 AM

    Just a note from Phil E. in Couer d' elene, ID. I have never since had a group of Flyfishing Friends as 'Chuckers. Never even seen such a group since this is trout and steelhead country. Actually, I'm not even aware of a local Fly Club. My son does try to find time to get me out in his beamy 12' aluminum boat. Stocked trout, ugh. But there is decent 'gill and smallmouth, what they call Spiney Ray with a snarl! I really can't wade-fish anyway. Balance issues. On the Plus side, fish have a longer growing season so fish do grow faster.


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