This week we will be tying one of our club favorites, the "Lindstrom Hot Lips"!
This is the original version created by our club founder Curt Nordrum.
as tied by Scott Nordby (I think it's close :-) |
Pattern Recipe:
Hook: 2X LONG NYMPH SIZE 8 (Mustad 9671)
Thread: 6/0 Black (Uni-Thread)
Bead: Brass Bead (1/8 for size 10, 5/32 for size 8)
Lead Wire: .015 or .020 lead wire (for under the bead)
Tail: Florescent Green Antron Yarn
Body: Fl-Pink Ultra Chenille (standard size)
Thorax: Peacock Herl
Collar: Black or Grizzly hackle (wet fly)
(designed and perfected by Curt Nordrum – with tweaks by Scott)
Here is a link to the step by step PDF Lindstrom Hot Lips Shadowbox.pdf
Link to single page quick step sheet Lindstrom Hot Lips Shadowbox.pdf
** I will have all the material needed to tie this fly. So just bring your vise and some black 6/0 thread.
We have a coffee pot and Hot Water for Tea (b.y.o.t). also vending machines. It's warm and free!
A little drive for some and closer for others.
Address is
Mid-City Precision
7430 Oxford Street
St. Louis Park, MN 55426
Perkin's Edina (3.1 miles away)
4917 Eden Ave, Edina (just off hwy 100 and W 50th St
Breakfast at 7:30 - 8:30 (or so
Meeting 9-11:30
I surely hope you all can make it